Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Evony Alliance Ranks and Actions Summary

Evony Alliance Ranks and Actions Summary

Evony Alliance Member
Every new alliance recruit starts as a member. A member can't do anything special in the alliance, other that quit!

An alliance can have up to 100 members.

Evony Alliance Officer
Officers are the first special rank in an alliance and can invite members, accept pending applications and accept resignations (kick people to prevent loss of prestige).

An alliance can have up to 10 officers.

Evony Alliance Presbyter
A presbyter manages the officers and can change the rank of any member up to Presbyter.

An alliance can have up to 5 presbyters.

Evony Alliance Vice Host
A vice host is the second-in-command and can do everything the host can, including expel members, change alliance introduction messages, change the rank of any member up to Vice Host, control diplomacy with other alliances (friendly, neutral, war) and send group messages.

An alliance can have upto 2 vice hosts.

Evony Alliance Host
The host's only unique ability over Vice Host is to relinquish his title and assign another host!

An alliance can have only 1 host.