Monday, September 14, 2009

Types Of Troops In Evony

Workers :
The worker is intended for the performance logistical transportation. They are able to carry a heavy burden – 200 units each. However the trade off is that they possess a very low combat skill. When you want to build a New City, you need 250 of these workers to carry the initial materials to the building site.

Warriors :
Designed for transportation of resources, these units are vulnerable to attacks. The earliest military forces were simply the citizens of the city, armed with whatever implements they could find to use as weapons. Even though these militias made up of warriors were inexpensive, they were no match for an organized army. Warriors were used as a stopgap measure while waiting for better trained and equipped units to be trained or to defend a city that had been cut off from military support. In a crisis these warriors are better then no defence at all.

Scout :
Specially trained, scouts spy on enemies’ resources and intelligence. Smart application of a nation’s military resources often meant identifying the points that would benefit from it the most. The Scouts were lightly armored but fleet of foot and used to survey a given situation.

Pikemen :
Equipped with long pikes, they are effective against horsemen. The growing deployment of knights on the battlefield demanded that foot soldiers develop new means of fighting that would lessen their vulnerability to mounted opponents. One of the best ways to do this was to lengthen the reach of the infantrymen by arming them with long spears, known as pikes. Are particularly effective when used in conjunction with Archers.

Swordsman :
The strongest melee unit, they are effective against archers. As a serious military weapon, the sword had to wait for the development of ironworking and the first true swords date from around 1200 BC. Swords in antiquity and classical times tended to be relatively short since they were made of bronze and later because they were rarely called upon to penetrate armor. The classic Roman stabbing sword, the gladius, was only about 2 feet long. In later years, the gladius gave way to the spatha, which was a long slashing sword of the barbarians and the forerunner of the great broadswords of medieval Europe.

Archers :
Archers are good at performing assaults from long distances. They are effective against nearly all types of infantry. The bow and arrow, invented in prehistoric times, greatly improved the hunting skills of early man that allowed him to kill his targets from a distance. The bow was adapted for use in battle and was first used by Egyptian, Persian, and Assyrian armies as early as 5000 BC. The range gave by the bow allowed small forces of archers to rout armies of superior numbers of hand-to-hand weapons. Archers were often used to soften enemy resistance before they would send in their mounted or skirmish forces.

Cavalry :
Light-armored units that are fast and flexible, they are ideal for performing raids and plunders. On the down side they are expensive and slow to recruit.

Combat notes:
Cavalry (and Cataphracts) are very effective against archers. They seem to go after them first.
Cavalry are the only way to clear Abatis from a City’s Fortifications.

Cavalry is composed of soldiers trained to fight on horseback. Because of their speed, they were often used for reconnaissance missions and hit-and-run type attacks on enemy installations and troops. Although warriors fighting from horseback with a variety of weapons date back to ancient Egypt, horse-mounted cavalry as we know it today began in the late 1700’s. Under Napoleon, the cavalry became an elite force.

Cataphract :
Heavy armored cavalry that are both excellent in attack and defense, but are costly. While not a Byzantine invention, heavy cavalry reached a new level of perfection under the Byzantine Empire. Until the sixth century AD, Byzantium had relied on Teutonic and Hunnish mercenary cavalry, but under the Emperor Nicephorus II – known as The Pale Death – native heavy cavalry, the Cataphracts, became the cornerstone of Byzantine warfare. The heaviest cavalry of its age, they shielded both rider and horse with thick armor. The effectiveness of the Cataphracts made them the key model for later European Knights.

Transporters :
Horse carriage enables you to carry great amounts of resources. Animal powered transport is a broad category of the human use of non-human working animals for the movement of people and goods. Humans would even ride some of the larger animals, use them as pack animals for carrying goods, or harness them to pull sleds or wheeled vehicles. Animal powered transporters would save humans from man-powered delivery.

Ballista’s :
Ballista’s have a long shooting range and are effective against other siege weapons. They are very effective against fortifications as they out-range Archer Towers. Currently,they can capture Cities on their own without any supporting troops. Balanced against this is the amount of resources required to build them and the very slow rate of training. During the days of the Empire conquests, the Ballista proved its value in sieges and battles,on ships, and on land. It was even used to quell riots. Many archaeological finds of ballistae date from the time of the Roman Empire; ancient technical manuals and journal accounts have been used to reconstruct these weapons in modern times.

Battering Ram :
Is a heavy support weapon which was used for overcoming an opponent’s fortification. A battering ram is simply a heavy log that several people carry and use to ram through an obstacle.

In castles, defenders attempted to foil the ram by dropping obstacles in front of them, such as large sacks of sawdust just before it hit the wall, by using grappling hooks to immobilize the log, by setting the log on fire, or by sallying to attack the ram directly.

CatapultCatapult :
The Catapult throws a large rock over a long distance. They are most effective when being used to destroy enemy fortifications. Note there are actually four L10 requirements since Metal Casting requires a level 10 Workshop. Two of the four L10 requirements (Workshop and Barracks) need a Michelangelo’s Script Item to surpass L9. The Catapult was one of the earliest forms of artillery, with records indicating that they were used as early as 400 BC by the Greeks. Catapults could easily launch projectiles 500 to 1000 feet with a large amount of destructive force. Though heavy, hard to move, and almost useless on the battlefield, it was a very effective weapon for siege operations.