Sunday, December 27, 2009

How To Capture or Conquere A City In Evony

Like most MMORPGs, Evony is an online game of taking over other gamer’s castles. This is the main emphasis of this marvelous MMORPG. Most MMORPGs are more gentle, or rely on more Player vs Environment where the gamer plays against a computer simulated person. In Evony Free Forever one of the ways of defeating your enemy is to take their city. There are a few caveats though in taking a city.

First it must not be the opposing player’s last city! In other words, if the player only has 1 city, you can’t take it. You can however kill all his fortifications and troops and scare off all his peasants which will effectively “kill” him, but you can’t hurt the castle buildings if its the player’s only city.

Second you need a free city slot! Your title must be big enough to be able to hold an additional city.

1 city – Civilian

2 cities – Knight

3 cities - Baronett

4 cities – Baron

5 cities – Viscount

6 cities – Earl

7 cities - Marquis

8 cities – Duke

9 cities -Furstin

10 cities - Prinzessin

After you are sure you have done these two things you can pick a target to attack. Read up on War Games to make sure you are attacking the right type of person. It is always easier to attack someone closer to your city as the travel time for each attack will be lower. Generally within an hour attack time is acceptable, but often if the city is more desirable (level 10 and in a nice strategic position) you could go further afield to attack someone.

Your first attack needs to be able to kill all their wall defences. Ballistas and Catapults are the best at this as their range outstrips the range of arhcer towers. However you will also need a lot of other troops as the opposing player might have his gates open. With his gates open you don’t face just his wall defences, but all his troops inside the city too! So your attacking army needs to be bigger. Remember: an army which is much bigger will suffer less casualties.

After your first attack has cleared out the castle’s wall defences, you need to send more attacks, many more attacks. You can see from the first war report if there is abatis left behind or other wall defences. If there is, or if the person you’re attacking has a high level of Machinery researched then you might need to keep sending large armies until all the wall defences are destroyed.

Then you start killing the city’s loyalty. Loyalty of the city can been seen on the attack reports. Dropping the evony city’s loyalty is done by repeat attacks, these can be as quick as every 5 minutes. These can be big, but big is not necessary. A good option is to just attack with 100 cavalry and a hero, these are fast troops and can kill abatis if the other player is on and trying to get some defence. From loyalty 100 down to loyalty 14 each attack you send will do about 2 to 4 points of loyalty damage.

After the city gets below loyalty 14 the city is affected by public grievance. Attacks should slow down to about 1 attack per 15 minutes. And keep going until the city is at or near 5 loyalty.

If the gates were closed all this time, at 5 loyalty the gates will open by themselves. This means that the next attack will have to face all the troops in the city. So don’t attack it with your 100 cavalry or you’ll lose them. You’ll need to send an army. This can be difficult depending on attack times because if you don’t send the final attack until the city is at 5 loyalty then the city owner has the chance of increasing the loyalty and then your troops, and the time it took for your troops to get there are wasted. The troops won’t die, but they won’t engage the army within the city. A way to get around this is to send the army a little bit early, and then watch the next couple of 100 cavalry attacks hit and see if the loyalty is where you want it to be when your main army is going to hit. This can be tricky to judge the timing right.

To get the loyalty from 5 to 1 you need to once again send multiple attacks, and with a break time in between of about 15 minutes. Public grievance will be bringing the loyalty down as well, but its good to keep sending attacks in.

From 1 to 0 it takes a while as the city is in it’s death throws. This might be up to 2 hours to wait. Keep attacking.

When and only when the loyalty is at 0 your next attack will take the city. You get to rename the city and then it changes the flag and the city is yours!

The multiple attacks from 14 down to 0 are not entirely necessary, as by that stage public grievance will bring the loyalty down, but if you keep attacking it keeps the public grievance up. Waiting longer will also drain the city of food and when there is no food the troops will die, unable to be cured they are dead.